MONCO USLA Champ X TAK Waterman Heavyweight Hoodie(PRE-ORDER)


MONCO USLA Champ X TAK Waterman Heavyweight Hoodie(PRE-ORDER)

Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievement of the Monmouth County USLA Lifeguards as they won the 2023 USLA National Champions. In honor of their dedication, courage, and unwavering commitment to water safety, we are thrilled to launch the MONCO USLA Champ X TAK Waterman Hooded Sweatshirt Fundraiser. Proceeds from the TAK Waterman Hooded Sweatshirt Fundraiser will go towards supporting the USLA Lifeguards’ journey to the 2024 Nationals. Your generosity will help cover travel expenses, ensuring that these dedicated lifeguards can continue representing excellence on the national stage.